Module aerpawlib.util

Types and functions commonly used throughout the aerpawlib framework.

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Types and functions commonly used throughout the aerpawlib framework.
import json
import math
from typing import List, Tuple
import dronekit

class VectorNED:
    Representation of a difference between two coordinates (used for expressing
    relative motion). Makes use of NED (north, east, down) scheme.

    Units are expressed in meters

    NOTE: Something similar to this may or may not be adopted into dronkit at
    some point in the future. There are plans on their GH page, at least.

    north: float
    east: float
    down: float

    def __init__(self, north: float, east: float, down: float=0):
        self.north = north
        self.east = east
        self.down = down

    def rotate_by_angle(self, angle: float):
        Transform this VectorNED and rotate it by a certain angle, provided in

        ex: VectorNED(1, 0, 0).rotate_by_angle(90) -> VectorNed(0, -1, 0)
        ex: VectorNED(1, 0, 0).rotate_by_angle(45) -> VectorNed(0.707, -0.707, 0)
        rads = angle / 180 * math.pi
        east = self.east * math.cos(rads) - self.north * math.sin(rads)
        north = self.east * math.sin(rads) + self.north * math.cos(rads)
        return VectorNED(north, east, self.down)

    def cross_product(self, o):
        find the cross product of this and the other vector (this x o)
        if not isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            raise TypeError()
        return VectorNED(
                self.east * o.down + self.down * o.east,
                self.down * o.north - self.north * o.down,
                self.north * o.east - self.east * o.north

    def hypot(self, ignore_down: bool=False):
        find the distance of this VectorNED, optionally ignoring any changes in
        if ignore_down:
            return math.hypot(self.north, self.east)
            return math.hypot(self.north, self.east, self.down)

    def __add__(self, o):
        if not isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            raise TypeError()
        return VectorNED(self.north + o.north,
                self.east + o.east,
                self.down + o.down)

    def __sub__(self, o):
        if not isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            raise TypeError()
        return VectorNED(self.north - o.north,
                self.east - o.east,
                self.down - o.down)
class Coordinate:
    An absolute point in space making use of lat, lon, and an altitude (over
    the home location of the vehicle). This is more or less equivalent to
    `dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative`, with more functionality added to support

    Reference for the *implementations* of most of these functions can be found
    in the dronekit source or under some of their more specific examples.
    Searching for the constants is a pretty good way of finding them.

    `lat`/`lon` should be expressed in *degrees*, while `alt` is in *meters*
    (relative to the takeoff/home location)

    `Coordinate`s can be added or subtracted with `VectorNED`s using Python's
    respective operators to calculate a new `Coordinate` relative to the
    original. This is particularly useful if you want to implement relative

    `Coordinate`s can be subtracted from each other using Python's subtraction
    operator to calculate the vector difference between them, which is returned
    as a `VectorNED`

    lat: float
    lon: float
    alt: float

    def __init__(self, lat: float, lon: float, alt: float=0): = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.alt = alt

    def location(self) -> dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative:
        Convert the location held by this `Coordinate` to an object usable by
        return dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative(, self.lon, self.alt)

    def ground_distance(self, other) -> float:
        Get the ground distance (in meters) between this `Coordinate` and
        another `Coordinate`.

        Makes use of `Coordinate.distance` under the hood
        if not isinstance(other, Coordinate):
            raise TypeError()
        other = Coordinate(, other.lon, self.alt)
        return self.distance(other)

    def distance(self, other) -> float:
        Get the true distance (in meters) between this `Coordinate` and another
        `Coordinate`. Unline `Coordinate.ground_distance`, this function also
        takes the altitude into account.

        The implementation used here makes use of Haversine Distance -- this
        should be extremely accurate (max err < 3m) for any distances used
        within the scope of the AERPAW program. (<10km)
        if not isinstance(other, Coordinate):
            raise TypeError()
        # calculation uses haversine distance
        # not the most efficient approx, but as accurate as we need
        d2r = math.pi / 180
        dlon = (other.lon - self.lon) * d2r
        dlat = ( - * d2r
        a = math.pow(math.sin(dlat / 2), 2) + math.cos(*d2r) * math.cos(*d2r) * math.pow(math.sin(dlon/2), 2)
        c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
        d = 6367 * c
        return math.hypot(d * 1000, other.alt - self.alt)

    def bearing(self, other) -> float:
        Calculate the bearing (angle) between two `Coordinates`, and return it
        in degrees
        if not isinstance(other, Coordinate):
            raise TypeError()

        d_lat = -
        d_lon = other.lon - self.lon
        bearing = 90 + math.atan2(-d_lat, d_lon) * 57.2957795
        return bearing % 360

    def __add__(self, o):
        north = 0
        east = 0
        alt = 0
        if isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            north = o.north
            east = o.east
            alt = -o.down
            raise TypeError()

        earth_radius = 6378137.0
        d_lat = north/earth_radius
        d_lon = east/(earth_radius*math.cos(math.pi*
        new_lat = + (d_lat * 180/math.pi)
        new_lon = self.lon + (d_lon * 180/math.pi)

        return Coordinate(new_lat, new_lon, self.alt + alt)

    def __sub__(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            return self + VectorNED(-o.north, -o.east, -o.down)
        elif isinstance(o, Coordinate):
            # it is, yet again, nontrivial to calculate the distance between coords.
            # here's one from wikipedia:
            # although since this likely isn't used a lot, i'm using an approximation

            lat_mid = ( + * math.pi / 360

            d_lat = -
            d_lon = self.lon - o.lon

            return VectorNED(d_lat * (111132.954 - 559.822 * math.cos(2 * lat_mid) + 1.175 * math.cos(4 * lat_mid)),
                    d_lon * (111132.954 * math.cos(lat_mid)),
                    o.alt - self.alt)
            raise TypeError()

# TODO make Waypoint use Coordinates
Waypoint = Tuple[int, float, float, float, int] # command, x, y, z, waypoint_id

def read_from_plan(path: str) -> List[Waypoint]:
    Helper function to read a provided .plan file (passed in as `path`) into a
    list of `Waypoint`s that can then be used to run waypoint-based missions.

    An example of this function's usage can be found under

    This function has really only been tested with `.plan` files generated by
    QGroundControl. `.plan` internally stores the data as a JSON object, so it
    would be trivial to roll your own generator if needed, but with no
    assertion that this helper would work.

    Use read_from_plan_complete to get a much more generic object containing
    more functionality for each waypoint (ex: speed or time to hold)
    waypoints = []
    with open(path) as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    if data["fileType"] != "Plan":
        raise Exception("Wrong file type -- use a .plan file.")
    for item in data["mission"]["items"]:
        command = item["command"]
        if command not in [22, 16, 20]:
        x, y, z = item["params"][4:7]
        waypoint_id = item["doJumpId"]
        waypoints.append((command, x, y, z, waypoint_id))
    return waypoints

def get_location_from_waypoint(waypoint: Waypoint) -> dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative:
    Helper to get coordinates in dronekit's style from a `Waypoint`

    TODO convert/deprecate
    return dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative(*waypoint[1:4])

def read_from_plan_complete(path: str):
    Helper to read from a .plan file and gather all fields from each waypoint

    This can then be used for more advanced .plan file based missions
    Returned data schema subject to change
    waypoints = []
    with open(path) as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    if data["fileType"] != "Plan":
        raise Exception("Wrong file type -- use a .plan file.")
    for item in data["mission"]["items"]:
        command = item["command"]
        if command not in [22, 16, 20]:
        x, y, z = item["params"][4:7]
        waypoint_id = item["doJumpId"]
        delay = item["params"][0]
            "id": waypoint_id,
            "command": command,
            "pos": [x, y, z],
            "wait_for": delay,
    return waypoints


def get_location_from_waypoint(waypoint: Tuple[int, float, float, float, int]) ‑> dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative

Helper to get coordinates in dronekit's style from a Waypoint

TODO convert/deprecate

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def get_location_from_waypoint(waypoint: Waypoint) -> dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative:
    Helper to get coordinates in dronekit's style from a `Waypoint`

    TODO convert/deprecate
    return dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative(*waypoint[1:4])
def read_from_plan(path: str) ‑> List[Tuple[int, float, float, float, int]]

Helper function to read a provided .plan file (passed in as path) into a list of Waypoints that can then be used to run waypoint-based missions.

An example of this function's usage can be found under examples/

This function has really only been tested with .plan files generated by QGroundControl. .plan internally stores the data as a JSON object, so it would be trivial to roll your own generator if needed, but with no assertion that this helper would work.

Use read_from_plan_complete to get a much more generic object containing more functionality for each waypoint (ex: speed or time to hold)

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def read_from_plan(path: str) -> List[Waypoint]:
    Helper function to read a provided .plan file (passed in as `path`) into a
    list of `Waypoint`s that can then be used to run waypoint-based missions.

    An example of this function's usage can be found under

    This function has really only been tested with `.plan` files generated by
    QGroundControl. `.plan` internally stores the data as a JSON object, so it
    would be trivial to roll your own generator if needed, but with no
    assertion that this helper would work.

    Use read_from_plan_complete to get a much more generic object containing
    more functionality for each waypoint (ex: speed or time to hold)
    waypoints = []
    with open(path) as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    if data["fileType"] != "Plan":
        raise Exception("Wrong file type -- use a .plan file.")
    for item in data["mission"]["items"]:
        command = item["command"]
        if command not in [22, 16, 20]:
        x, y, z = item["params"][4:7]
        waypoint_id = item["doJumpId"]
        waypoints.append((command, x, y, z, waypoint_id))
    return waypoints
def read_from_plan_complete(path: str)

Helper to read from a .plan file and gather all fields from each waypoint

This can then be used for more advanced .plan file based missions

Returned data schema subject to change

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def read_from_plan_complete(path: str):
    Helper to read from a .plan file and gather all fields from each waypoint

    This can then be used for more advanced .plan file based missions
    Returned data schema subject to change
    waypoints = []
    with open(path) as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    if data["fileType"] != "Plan":
        raise Exception("Wrong file type -- use a .plan file.")
    for item in data["mission"]["items"]:
        command = item["command"]
        if command not in [22, 16, 20]:
        x, y, z = item["params"][4:7]
        waypoint_id = item["doJumpId"]
        delay = item["params"][0]
            "id": waypoint_id,
            "command": command,
            "pos": [x, y, z],
            "wait_for": delay,
    return waypoints


class Coordinate (lat: float, lon: float, alt: float = 0)

An absolute point in space making use of lat, lon, and an altitude (over the home location of the vehicle). This is more or less equivalent to dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative, with more functionality added to support VectorNEDs.

Reference for the implementations of most of these functions can be found in the dronekit source or under some of their more specific examples. Searching for the constants is a pretty good way of finding them.

lat/lon should be expressed in degrees, while alt is in meters (relative to the takeoff/home location)

Coordinates can be added or subtracted with VectorNEDs using Python's respective operators to calculate a new Coordinate relative to the original. This is particularly useful if you want to implement relative movement.

Coordinates can be subtracted from each other using Python's subtraction operator to calculate the vector difference between them, which is returned as a VectorNED

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class Coordinate:
    An absolute point in space making use of lat, lon, and an altitude (over
    the home location of the vehicle). This is more or less equivalent to
    `dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative`, with more functionality added to support

    Reference for the *implementations* of most of these functions can be found
    in the dronekit source or under some of their more specific examples.
    Searching for the constants is a pretty good way of finding them.

    `lat`/`lon` should be expressed in *degrees*, while `alt` is in *meters*
    (relative to the takeoff/home location)

    `Coordinate`s can be added or subtracted with `VectorNED`s using Python's
    respective operators to calculate a new `Coordinate` relative to the
    original. This is particularly useful if you want to implement relative

    `Coordinate`s can be subtracted from each other using Python's subtraction
    operator to calculate the vector difference between them, which is returned
    as a `VectorNED`

    lat: float
    lon: float
    alt: float

    def __init__(self, lat: float, lon: float, alt: float=0): = lat
        self.lon = lon
        self.alt = alt

    def location(self) -> dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative:
        Convert the location held by this `Coordinate` to an object usable by
        return dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative(, self.lon, self.alt)

    def ground_distance(self, other) -> float:
        Get the ground distance (in meters) between this `Coordinate` and
        another `Coordinate`.

        Makes use of `Coordinate.distance` under the hood
        if not isinstance(other, Coordinate):
            raise TypeError()
        other = Coordinate(, other.lon, self.alt)
        return self.distance(other)

    def distance(self, other) -> float:
        Get the true distance (in meters) between this `Coordinate` and another
        `Coordinate`. Unline `Coordinate.ground_distance`, this function also
        takes the altitude into account.

        The implementation used here makes use of Haversine Distance -- this
        should be extremely accurate (max err < 3m) for any distances used
        within the scope of the AERPAW program. (<10km)
        if not isinstance(other, Coordinate):
            raise TypeError()
        # calculation uses haversine distance
        # not the most efficient approx, but as accurate as we need
        d2r = math.pi / 180
        dlon = (other.lon - self.lon) * d2r
        dlat = ( - * d2r
        a = math.pow(math.sin(dlat / 2), 2) + math.cos(*d2r) * math.cos(*d2r) * math.pow(math.sin(dlon/2), 2)
        c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
        d = 6367 * c
        return math.hypot(d * 1000, other.alt - self.alt)

    def bearing(self, other) -> float:
        Calculate the bearing (angle) between two `Coordinates`, and return it
        in degrees
        if not isinstance(other, Coordinate):
            raise TypeError()

        d_lat = -
        d_lon = other.lon - self.lon
        bearing = 90 + math.atan2(-d_lat, d_lon) * 57.2957795
        return bearing % 360

    def __add__(self, o):
        north = 0
        east = 0
        alt = 0
        if isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            north = o.north
            east = o.east
            alt = -o.down
            raise TypeError()

        earth_radius = 6378137.0
        d_lat = north/earth_radius
        d_lon = east/(earth_radius*math.cos(math.pi*
        new_lat = + (d_lat * 180/math.pi)
        new_lon = self.lon + (d_lon * 180/math.pi)

        return Coordinate(new_lat, new_lon, self.alt + alt)

    def __sub__(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            return self + VectorNED(-o.north, -o.east, -o.down)
        elif isinstance(o, Coordinate):
            # it is, yet again, nontrivial to calculate the distance between coords.
            # here's one from wikipedia:
            # although since this likely isn't used a lot, i'm using an approximation

            lat_mid = ( + * math.pi / 360

            d_lat = -
            d_lon = self.lon - o.lon

            return VectorNED(d_lat * (111132.954 - 559.822 * math.cos(2 * lat_mid) + 1.175 * math.cos(4 * lat_mid)),
                    d_lon * (111132.954 * math.cos(lat_mid)),
                    o.alt - self.alt)
            raise TypeError()

Class variables

var alt : float
var lat : float
var lon : float


def bearing(self, other) ‑> float

Calculate the bearing (angle) between two Coordinates, and return it in degrees

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def bearing(self, other) -> float:
    Calculate the bearing (angle) between two `Coordinates`, and return it
    in degrees
    if not isinstance(other, Coordinate):
        raise TypeError()

    d_lat = -
    d_lon = other.lon - self.lon
    bearing = 90 + math.atan2(-d_lat, d_lon) * 57.2957795
    return bearing % 360
def distance(self, other) ‑> float

Get the true distance (in meters) between this Coordinate and another Coordinate. Unline Coordinate.ground_distance(), this function also takes the altitude into account.

The implementation used here makes use of Haversine Distance – this should be extremely accurate (max err < 3m) for any distances used within the scope of the AERPAW program. (<10km)

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def distance(self, other) -> float:
    Get the true distance (in meters) between this `Coordinate` and another
    `Coordinate`. Unline `Coordinate.ground_distance`, this function also
    takes the altitude into account.

    The implementation used here makes use of Haversine Distance -- this
    should be extremely accurate (max err < 3m) for any distances used
    within the scope of the AERPAW program. (<10km)
    if not isinstance(other, Coordinate):
        raise TypeError()
    # calculation uses haversine distance
    # not the most efficient approx, but as accurate as we need
    d2r = math.pi / 180
    dlon = (other.lon - self.lon) * d2r
    dlat = ( - * d2r
    a = math.pow(math.sin(dlat / 2), 2) + math.cos(*d2r) * math.cos(*d2r) * math.pow(math.sin(dlon/2), 2)
    c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a))
    d = 6367 * c
    return math.hypot(d * 1000, other.alt - self.alt)
def ground_distance(self, other) ‑> float

Get the ground distance (in meters) between this Coordinate and another Coordinate.

Makes use of Coordinate.distance() under the hood

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def ground_distance(self, other) -> float:
    Get the ground distance (in meters) between this `Coordinate` and
    another `Coordinate`.

    Makes use of `Coordinate.distance` under the hood
    if not isinstance(other, Coordinate):
        raise TypeError()
    other = Coordinate(, other.lon, self.alt)
    return self.distance(other)
def location(self) ‑> dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative

Convert the location held by this Coordinate to an object usable by dronekit

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def location(self) -> dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative:
    Convert the location held by this `Coordinate` to an object usable by
    return dronekit.LocationGlobalRelative(, self.lon, self.alt)
class VectorNED (north: float, east: float, down: float = 0)

Representation of a difference between two coordinates (used for expressing relative motion). Makes use of NED (north, east, down) scheme.

Units are expressed in meters

NOTE: Something similar to this may or may not be adopted into dronkit at some point in the future. There are plans on their GH page, at least.

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class VectorNED:
    Representation of a difference between two coordinates (used for expressing
    relative motion). Makes use of NED (north, east, down) scheme.

    Units are expressed in meters

    NOTE: Something similar to this may or may not be adopted into dronkit at
    some point in the future. There are plans on their GH page, at least.

    north: float
    east: float
    down: float

    def __init__(self, north: float, east: float, down: float=0):
        self.north = north
        self.east = east
        self.down = down

    def rotate_by_angle(self, angle: float):
        Transform this VectorNED and rotate it by a certain angle, provided in

        ex: VectorNED(1, 0, 0).rotate_by_angle(90) -> VectorNed(0, -1, 0)
        ex: VectorNED(1, 0, 0).rotate_by_angle(45) -> VectorNed(0.707, -0.707, 0)
        rads = angle / 180 * math.pi
        east = self.east * math.cos(rads) - self.north * math.sin(rads)
        north = self.east * math.sin(rads) + self.north * math.cos(rads)
        return VectorNED(north, east, self.down)

    def cross_product(self, o):
        find the cross product of this and the other vector (this x o)
        if not isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            raise TypeError()
        return VectorNED(
                self.east * o.down + self.down * o.east,
                self.down * o.north - self.north * o.down,
                self.north * o.east - self.east * o.north

    def hypot(self, ignore_down: bool=False):
        find the distance of this VectorNED, optionally ignoring any changes in
        if ignore_down:
            return math.hypot(self.north, self.east)
            return math.hypot(self.north, self.east, self.down)

    def __add__(self, o):
        if not isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            raise TypeError()
        return VectorNED(self.north + o.north,
                self.east + o.east,
                self.down + o.down)

    def __sub__(self, o):
        if not isinstance(o, VectorNED):
            raise TypeError()
        return VectorNED(self.north - o.north,
                self.east - o.east,
                self.down - o.down)

Class variables

var down : float
var east : float
var north : float


def cross_product(self, o)

find the cross product of this and the other vector (this x o)

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def cross_product(self, o):
    find the cross product of this and the other vector (this x o)
    if not isinstance(o, VectorNED):
        raise TypeError()
    return VectorNED(
            self.east * o.down + self.down * o.east,
            self.down * o.north - self.north * o.down,
            self.north * o.east - self.east * o.north
def hypot(self, ignore_down: bool = False)

find the distance of this VectorNED, optionally ignoring any changes in height

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def hypot(self, ignore_down: bool=False):
    find the distance of this VectorNED, optionally ignoring any changes in
    if ignore_down:
        return math.hypot(self.north, self.east)
        return math.hypot(self.north, self.east, self.down)
def rotate_by_angle(self, angle: float)

Transform this VectorNED and rotate it by a certain angle, provided in degrees.

ex: VectorNED(1, 0, 0).rotate_by_angle(90) -> VectorNed(0, -1, 0) ex: VectorNED(1, 0, 0).rotate_by_angle(45) -> VectorNed(0.707, -0.707, 0)

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def rotate_by_angle(self, angle: float):
    Transform this VectorNED and rotate it by a certain angle, provided in

    ex: VectorNED(1, 0, 0).rotate_by_angle(90) -> VectorNed(0, -1, 0)
    ex: VectorNED(1, 0, 0).rotate_by_angle(45) -> VectorNed(0.707, -0.707, 0)
    rads = angle / 180 * math.pi
    east = self.east * math.cos(rads) - self.north * math.sin(rads)
    north = self.east * math.sin(rads) + self.north * math.cos(rads)
    return VectorNED(north, east, self.down)